Friday, March 19, 2004

100 things

A new 100 things list...20 at a time.

1. I am attracted to older men.

2. I think the salt and pepper look is sexy.

3. I am mesmerized by emotional and intellectual intelligence.

4. I don’t plan to ever get married again. Reason #1 for the dating hiatus I am on.

5. Reason #2 is I just don’t feel like dating.

6. I have the ashes of my dog Guilty.

7. One of the reasons I bought my house was because the yard was perfect for Guilty. Unfortunately she never got to see it.

8. I’m joyfully jobless.

9. One of my best friends in the entire world is a single, straight, very successful and devilishly handsome male. Other people struggle with the fact that we aren’t romantically in love with one another. We, however, are totally cool with being the very best of platonic friends.

10. He has never met my kids and I see no reason to change that.

11. My sister owns a dog that was born on the same day as my oldest child. The dog is a pain in the ass, the child is a delight. This is not a reflection on my sister…she got a bum dog.

12. I have never left the country and don’t feel all that inspired to do so in the future.

13. Someone that I consider to be among the most intellectually and emotionally amazing people I have ever met once called me captivating. It made me cry.

14. One of my jobs is as a Personal Improvement Instructor. I don’t like that title but I absolutely love the job. Have you ever thought that if you could do anything in the world you would do ________ (fill in the blank with your dream job). I’m one of the lucky ones that got the opportunity to do just that.

15. The song Hand Me Down by Matchbox 20 makes me cry.

16. People tend to open up to me. I’ve never quite figured out why but I like that others feel that they can trust me with their hearts.

17. My dad once sent a thank you note to someone I dated. He thanked them for feeding me because I can’t cook.

18. I collect quotations. One of my favorites is: “Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.” ~Marva Collins

19. I am slowly but surely writing my own collection of mantras. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this one: “I believe that the sights and sounds that fill our space also fill our souls.” I am being very careful about what enters my soul these days.

20. The best advice I got today was from The Boy. He told me to “Enter tomorrow with no regrets.” I think I can do that. Can you?


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