Sunday, August 04, 2002

The Enabler

I saw Grandma today while I was up in Two Harbors collecting my pilings from her living room. She has effectively spent the last two weeks spooking herself everytime she entered the living room thinking it was a person leaning against her wall. Then, while watching TV or listening to the radio, she would inspect it for bugs and smell it because, "I don't know if it is the rope of the wood but something smells. Not bad. It just has a smell to it.", as she leaned over to give it a final whiff.

Grandma's. Their senility is sweet isn't it?

We went out to Judy's for lunch because the service and food are good. The fact that they don't serve beer is mentioned on every trip to Judy's.

"Do you suppose they'd mind if we brought our own in?"

"I don't know Grandma, give it a try when your cop granddaughter is town though...just in case."

As we ate our sandwiches I asked if she needed me to drive her for any errands today. No grocery's, pharmacy trips or trips to the l-i-q-u-o-r s-t-o-r-e? Nope. No errands.

I leaned in her direction and with a hint of sarcasm I whispered, "I brought a big jacket to smuggle beer into your apartment."

"The other ladies in the building gossip. I don't want them to think I drink too much. You know they probably think I was always yelling at Father when he was here. They gossip. Besides, I still have beer from the last time you were here."

Ok. No errands.

After a few nibbles on chips and sandwiches Grandma continued the conversation, "I'd offer you a beer you know. When we get back to the apartment. But you have to drive home today. Not that you couldn't have one beer and drive. One beer wouldn't hurt anything. But if you're going to have one, why not have half a dozen? Who wants to just have one beer? If your going to start you might as well keep going."

This from the woman that always wants to 'split a beer'.


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